Browser (IE) Tab

This tab will let you erase the tracks of your Internet activities. It includes the IE visit history, cookies, cache files, typed URLs, autocomplete list, saved user name/passwords and the index.dat file in IE cache directory. To clear these tracks, just select the items you want to erase and click the "Erase" button.

NOTE: The default installation will support Internet Explorer. If you want to erase the tracks of other browsers (Netscape, AOL or Opera), click the Browsers button and select the browser you use. For MSN explorer, please treat it as IE and select options for IE

Tips: If you are not sure what a specific item means, just move your mouse to the item and stay for a while (about 1 second). A tool tip will be displayed and you will see what the item means.


Note: The Lite version is limited to remove IE visit history, cookies, IE cache files and typed URLs. The Pro version provide more functions to erase form auto complete list, saved passwords and index.dat

IE Visit History: Keeps an index of all the web page your have visited.

Cookies: Cookie is a small packet of information used to store persistent state information on the user's computer. Browser cookies were initially designed to allow web pages to store user specific pieces of data on the client computer.  This allowed websites to pass information between pages, or remember information for returning visitors, such as a login name, or website settings.  But some websites abuse using cookies to track your viewing habits (by many Ad companies) and thus your privacy is exposed. (Note: You can select the cookies you want to keep in the cookie manager windows under the "Settings" tab)

IE Cache Files: Browser cache is a temporary holding area for pages, images, sounds, videos, and other items that may appear on a web page that you visit. The way the cache works is by eliminating the need to re-download an image or web page if the content has not changed since your last visit. The cache files usually will let others know what sites you visited, what images you viewed and what files you downloaded.

IE Typed URLs: The URL list in your IE address bar. The list contains all the URLs you typed in IE address bar.

Form AutoComplete List: IE can store a record of almost everything that you type into any web page. Form data can be things such as the keywords you have typed into a search engine and personal information such as your email and address. These information can speed up your input speed but expose some privacy hole if your computer can be touched by others.

Index.dat used by IE: Index.dat file stores the index of your visited web sites and cookies. The index.dat files are locked by system and cannot be deleted when Windows is running. When you select to erase the index.dat, the operation is queued and this product can securely overwrite and delete the index.dat file the next time your restart Windows.

Saved username and password by IE: IE have an option to save your user name and password when you visit some security sites. After the username/password is saved, you don't need input the username/password again the next time you visit the same site. If your system is touched by others, the saved password may let others enter the security site using your identify even they don't know your personal password.